J&J Development Consultancy – A Key Partner

J&J Development Consultancy is a key partner of EAME. They offer a comprehensive package of construction and civil developments solutions is built around the long experience in the sector of company principal, Andrew Bathgate and his close partnership with broad spectrum of leading consultants operating in the fields of architecture, surveying, utility management and environmental solutions. This coherent partnership of respected experts allows developers and end users to choose a reliable one stop shop providing with all the key skills required to deliver a total project management solution on-tap.

For more information please visit J&J Development Consultancy

EAME Iraq Country Manager

EAME is proud to announce that we have a new Iraq Country Manager, Zainab Al-Ribhawi.

She is an experienced Project Manager, Project Coordinator, accountant and administrator, trainer, team leader of M&E, observer and Liaison Officer. She has a degree in Chemistry and is experienced at undertaking social impact monitoring, stakeholder engagement and sediment and water sampling.

She is fluent in Arabic and English. Please feel free to contact her if you have any questions regarding EAME and the services we can offer in Iraq.

Environment Analyst – Environmental Monitoring in Iraq

EAME has been featured in another article within the Environment Analyst (March 2012). EAME is to provide environmental monitoring services (both on and offshore) during the 20-month construction phase of a new oil pipeline in Fao, southern Iraq.

EAME is able to offer a range of earth and marine survey related services, including Environmental Impact Assessment, seawater and sediment (sea-bed) sample collection and chemical analysis, ecological surveys of fish, plankton, sea vegetation, sediment dwellers, land vegetation, insects, birds and mammals (including dolphins and whales), sampling and analysis of soils and groundwaters, monitoring noise and air quality, oceanographic monitoring, meteorological monitoring, marine traffic and land traffic surveys, fisheries activity surveys and assessment of the Socio-economic conditions

Environment Analyst is a publishing and business research organisation with a remit to track performance and opportunities within the environmental services sector, with a particular focus on the environmental consulting and support services market. It is possible to get a Free 7-day Trial to access Environment Analyst reports.