International Finance

Environmental and social risks associated with major projects can be extremely costly in terms of delays, negative publicity and the potential to generate significant unforeseen costs. The costs associated with reputational damage can be hard to estimate and the results can be long lasting and extremely detrimental.

Companies that proactively seek to reduce and manage these risks (to agreed international standards) can benefit from improved business performance and improved funding opportunities. EAME is able to assist companies who wish to apply and comply with international standards, such as the IFC Performance Standards, Equator Principles and the OECD Common Approach,  in order to manage and mitigate project environmental and social impacts.

EAME is able to offer a range of services, these include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental and Social  Impact Assessments (ESIA)
  • Social and Environmental Management Systems development and implementation
  • Equator Principles and IFC Performance Assessments
  • Development and implementation of project monitoring programmes
  • Environmental and social management action plans
  • Biodiversity monitoring and management plans
  • Permitting requirements analyses and support
  • Public consultation and stakeholder engagement programmes
Key Project Experience

Recent key project experience has included:

  • JICA Sealine Project Iraq – Environmental and Social Baseline Survey – EAME has recently completed a 12-month Environmental and Social Baseline study of a proposed oil pipeline corridor across the Fao Peninsula and off-shore to two oil export terminals.  It is proposed to construct a 48” pipeline corridor from the Peninsula bulk oil storage tank farm to the Al-Basrah Oil Terminal (BOT) and Khawr Al-Amaya Oil Terminal (KAAT) off-shore oil terminals.  The project is part of the wider regeneration and rehabilitation of infrastructure in southern Iraq, following its recent tumultuous history.  The project mandate indicated that several surveys would be required prior to consideration of the pipeline project.Given the geo-political environment the implementation and execution of the project tasks was very challenging. Project activities included a wide ranging desk-based study and stakeholder analysis to establish the social and environmental conditions that exist prior to any construction activities. Simultaneous to the desk based research, field studies were required to be undertaken over a 12-month period to accrue sufficient baseline data of the area.  This involved seasonal and continuous environmental surveys; both on land and offshore and included studies of soil, sediment, groundwater and seawater contamination, air and noise quality, ecological surveys and socio-economic surveys.
EAME Key Contact

If you require further information or you want to enquire about our range of services please contact Michael Sylvester.

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