Earth and Marine Surveys

EAME is able to offer a range of earth and marine survey related services, these include, but are not limited to:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Seawater and sediment (sea-bed) sample collection and chemical analysis
  • Ecological surveys of fish, plankton, sea vegetation, sediment dwellers, land vegetation, insects, birds and mammals (including dolphins and whales)
  • Sampling and analysis of soils and groundwaters
  • Monitoring noise and air quality
  • Oceanographic monitoring
  • Meteorological monitoring
  • Marine traffic and land traffic surveys
  • Fisheries activity surveys
  • Assessment of the Socio-economic conditions
Key Project Experience

Recent key project experience has included:

  • Sealine Project Iraq – EAME have recently completed a major Environmental Baseline Study for the Sealine Project in Iraq. The Sealine Project is the construction of a 48” pipeline corridor from the Fao Peninsula Bulk Oil Storage tank farm to the BOT and KAAT off-shore oil terminals. The EAME environmental scientists were engaged directly by the Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA) which is funding the project.
  • Environmental Assessment and Remediation of Surface Water Dykes, Boston, UK – The assessment of a pollution incident originating from a pressure timber treatment plant in Boston, UK. EAME tasked to identify and assess appropriate corrective actions for any potential damage caused and to prevent a future occurrence.  Extensive discussions were held with the relevant regulatory bodies to determine the most appropriate action. In excess of 2 km of dykes had been successfully remediated to the satisfaction of the regulatory bodies.
  •  Environmental Study and Dredging Risk Assessment, Khor Al-Zubair, Iraq Environmental baseline study in relation to the proposed re‐development of Khor Al-Zubair Port and wreck clearance and dredging of the Khor Al Zubair channel.  The project involved conducting water quality and sediment quality surveys at various points along the Khor Al-Zubair channel and notably at wreck sites.  The study also involved a soil contamination, stakeholder and ecological surveys at 4 candidate dumping sites (land) for the dredged materials.
  • Autonomous Tide Gauge Installation, Iraq – The installation of two autonomous tide gauges at Iraqi Ports. The gauges will be active for three years and the contract includes regular maintenance of the equipment. The gauges were installed to ordnance datum which required the installation of new benchmarks adjacent to the gauges.
  • WTPS Oil Terminal, Metocean Study, Khor Al-Zubair, Iraq – EAME were commissioned to undertake a metocean study associated a proposed oil terminal, Khor Al-Zubair, Iraq. This involved sediment and water sampling, installation of two ADCPs, bottom tracking ADCP transects, long term meteorological measurements and water column profiling. EAME was also commissioned to undertake an environmental and social impact assessment of the oil terminal.  This has involved a comprehensive desktop study, scoping report followed by a series of focused baseline assessments.
  • Marine Traffic Survey, Khor Al-Zubair, Iraq – Three month marine traffic survey of a section of the Khor Al-Zubair. This project included the installation of an AIS receivers at Umm Qasr and Khor Al-Zubair ports as well as stakeholder engagement and desk-based research.
  • Sealine Project, Construction Monitoring, Iraq – Following on from the successful completion of the EBS for the Sealine project, EAME was awarded at two year contract by the pipeline EPC Contractor to undertake the preparation of environmental management and monitoring documentation, a construction project environmental risk analysis and the construction environmental monitoring of the construction phase of the project.
EAME Key Contact

If you require further information or you want to enquire about our range of environmental planning and impact assessment services please contact David Wells.